
Negative Comments, Shall I Delete It?

Do you think Deleting negative comments/review a good idea? shall you hide it and act as if there is nothing happened. I believe you HAVE TO keep it and make it visible to public users just like the positive reviews/comments. Read More!

Advanced LINQ to Object Operation

You can do many operations by adopting, do ing  will reduced number of code lines that you will write to accomplish your job. Read more about this


Enhance Performance in .Net 4.0

There is lot of performance enhancement in .net framework 4.0.. I read a very interesting article about this and I wanted to share it with you. this article is published on CodeGuru... Read More!

Date Different in SQL Server DB Vs Oracle DB

How can I find differences in weeks between 2 dates by using SQL statement. I answered this question by using SQL server syntax and compare this with Oracle syntax. Read More!


Microsoft Technologies

I had many discussions with many friends regarding to the feasibly of using Microsoft technologies to implement some critical systems where the 1 second downtime is not acceptable. My friends was not in a favor of using MS products to implement any critical systems.

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