
How to configure SQL Express server to accept connections from remote clients? I faced this issue once I installed it first time and I had to go through a headache of checking firewall and network connections while it was a configuration issue on SQL Express itself... Read more!


.Net Loops

while writing some code that needs some looping logic, you will never think that the different looping syntax might effect performance of your application. well, the difference between different loop syntax in terms of performance is not that much.. it is interesting to know that there is a performance difference between different loop structures. this might be critical when you develop mobile based applications as the mobile processor is not as fast as PC or Web Server Processor.... Click here to Read more about this subject!


How to Change the Remove Desktop (RDP) Port

Exposing your machine to public internet will open your machine for the risk of hacking. Sometimes you want to expose your machine for different reasons but you have to secure your machine and prevent hacking to it with minimum cost.
Simple tip you can do to secure it by hiding information from hacker and not use the default setting for MS Windows. Read More!

Loops Performance differences in .Net

a small article state how different loops approches different from each other on .net language.